TikiTiki's Got Talent
TikiTiki's Got Talent
睇電視見到全美全英一叮、仲有好多年前大台嘅XX一叮⋯⋯ 你係咪開始囉囉攣坐唔定,好想大顯身手,成為鎂光燈下奪目嘅一個?你係咪覺得自己身懷絕技,但未有人賞識,萬事俱備,只欠場地?如果講中左,你就係我地要嘅人喇!
Tikitiki Bowling Bar隆重呈獻:TikiTiki's Got Talent (Tikitiki 一叮),自命非凡,又享受舞台嘅你,快啲報名參加遴選,將你最精彩嘅一面表現出黎,仲有機會成為我地嘅駐場表演者添!
第一次遴選已經為Tikitiki Bowling Bar帶黎幾位駐場表演者,好期待第二次遴選會見到你精彩嘅演出!
快啲將你嘅履歷、近照 (全身及大頭)、聯絡方法、特別技能等資料,電郵至:echeung@urban-ent.com ,遴選日期為三月三日,時間將有專人通知。
TikiTiki want you, don’t let this opportunity to showcase your unique talents slip away! We are open for any talent — nothing is off limits.
We don’t care if you have an act you do professionally, or it’s something you have never done in public before in your life.
We enjoy all talent, whether you are an amazing singer, or can do something really WOW with yourself. We want to be shocked and amazed by what you can do!
We are "TikiTiki's Got Talent”! We offer Full Time contract for the winner to be our Entertainment!
The audition will be held on 3rd March. The way to just the audition is very simple, just email echeung@urban-ent.com us your information!
source #MLB #Cards #Card #Topps #Sports #Jersey #Deals #Yankees #RedSox #auction #boy #night #streetstyle #light #findhappy #sadness #luckyme #partyhard #longway #rvv #rynok #9thmay #manado #kotamanado #abudodika #admin #meme #quote #kaskado #kata #bakusedu #mdo #bomdia #concurseiro #estudar #amanha #cadeianele #luladrao #fortaleza #chegadecorrupcao
睇電視見到全美全英一叮、仲有好多年前大台嘅XX一叮⋯⋯ 你係咪開始囉囉攣坐唔定,好想大顯身手,成為鎂光燈下奪目嘅一個?你係咪覺得自己身懷絕技,但未有人賞識,萬事俱備,只欠場地?如果講中左,你就係我地要嘅人喇!
Tikitiki Bowling Bar隆重呈獻:TikiTiki's Got Talent (Tikitiki 一叮),自命非凡,又享受舞台嘅你,快啲報名參加遴選,將你最精彩嘅一面表現出黎,仲有機會成為我地嘅駐場表演者添!
第一次遴選已經為Tikitiki Bowling Bar帶黎幾位駐場表演者,好期待第二次遴選會見到你精彩嘅演出!
快啲將你嘅履歷、近照 (全身及大頭)、聯絡方法、特別技能等資料,電郵至:echeung@urban-ent.com ,遴選日期為三月三日,時間將有專人通知。
TikiTiki want you, don’t let this opportunity to showcase your unique talents slip away! We are open for any talent — nothing is off limits.
We don’t care if you have an act you do professionally, or it’s something you have never done in public before in your life.
We enjoy all talent, whether you are an amazing singer, or can do something really WOW with yourself. We want to be shocked and amazed by what you can do!
We are "TikiTiki's Got Talent”! We offer Full Time contract for the winner to be our Entertainment!
The audition will be held on 3rd March. The way to just the audition is very simple, just email echeung@urban-ent.com us your information!
source #MLB #Cards #Card #Topps #Sports #Jersey #Deals #Yankees #RedSox #auction #boy #night #streetstyle #light #findhappy #sadness #luckyme #partyhard #longway #rvv #rynok #9thmay #manado #kotamanado #abudodika #admin #meme #quote #kaskado #kata #bakusedu #mdo #bomdia #concurseiro #estudar #amanha #cadeianele #luladrao #fortaleza #chegadecorrupcao
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