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Machine learning the game-changer for Cubs in World Series 2016 - Kinatrax and iMerit

Machine learning the game-changer for Cubs in World Series 2016 - Kinatrax and iMerit

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How did the Chicago Cubs have the best team ERA in baseball during the 2016 regular season? Th answer might lie in the club's use of big data and motion tracking. The Cubs have worked with KinaTrax (http://kinatrax.com/), a markerless motion capture technology company, to discover innovative ways of analyzing pitching performance. KinaTrax deploys its motion capture technology throughout the ballparks, working close with each team’s IT department to ensure the stadium is already outfitted with the appropriate bandwidth and connectivity. Over the last year, KinaTrax has worked with digital services company iMerit (http://imerit.net/) to glean insights from the data captured. In short, the two companies work in tandem, with iMerit delivering the datasets and 3D models, which then enable KinaTrax to conduct in-depth analysis and pull noteworthy datapoints for teams.

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